
What is work? - Ch1

48 Days to the Work You Love is kind of a workbook designed to create a "plan of action for moving into God's calling for" your life. The book actually starts off requiring you to sign a contract that says just that. The first round of questions and my answers are below:

Who gave you your first job? Six Flags Astroworld, Texas
What kind of job was it? the front gate and season pass area
How much money did you make? whatever minimum wage was back then
From looking at your work life so far, what has been of the greatest value or worth? the relationships I've developed, the ability to live comfortably, flexibility and working from home at times, initially travel was great and now I value not traveling and being home with my family
Do you think your current job will exist five years from now? yes
What would be the key characteristics of an ideal job or career? flexibility, contributing to the lives of others, working with positive people, close to home, income
When you daydream, what do you see yourself doing? hmmmmmm... Not sure about this one, I don't think I daydream anymore or dream period about me doing stuff, maybe that is apart of the problem. I've always wanted to learn and use sign language and Spanish regularly, and lately, I've had an interest in exploring voice over work.
What have been the happiest most fulfilling moments in your life? community service, church, marriage, motherhood, embracing my natural hair, great discussions with friends and family
If nothing changed in your life in the next 5 years would that be OK? absolutely not

This is one of the tidbits from this chapter that really spoke to me:
"When we are not true to ourselves, to our unique God-given characteristics we lose the power of authenticity, creativity, imagination, and innovation."


  1. I also have been considering voice overs. Let’s try it together. I know someone who may be able to help us with out demo.

  2. Hey there!

    Where have you beeeeeeen???!

    Come back to the blog!!

    Come back!!
